
There are curse words... like a lot of them. So if you're not interested in reading my word vomit. Look away!

Sunday, January 15, 2017

It does continue!!!

This one is different. For real different. Different than any other man I have ever dated. Period. He is sweet, kind, loving, and VERY attentive. I'm hooked! I honestly never knew that a man could actually devote this much time to me. We talk morning, noon and night. And not in an annoying way. In a generally interested, thinking about each other all day long, kind of way. His smile kills me, his kiss makes me melt, and all I want is for him to touch me. Not necessarily sexually (although that's great too). I just want him to hold my hand, or caress my hair, or rub my neck. Meeeeeelllllttttt...

We are officially 3 months in and going strong. I know that we are still in the honeymoon phase. I know it will end eventually. But I genuinely don't see that point coming anytime soon. I'm smitten. I've maybe fallen in love even! Love! I can't believe it. I actually got so lucky. I found him. And he's all mine!