
There are curse words... like a lot of them. So if you're not interested in reading my word vomit. Look away!

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Dating with an expiration date

Hey guys, 

So it happened. I went on a second date. Crazy I know! And a third. And a fourth. And a fifth. I actually didn't even know fifth dates existed. I thought they only existed in some imaginary world with unicorns and the tooth fairy. But no, they are real. And date number five is what leads me to my fucking single blog that no one reads. 

This guy. This guy is sweet and a great kisser ;) but we are dating with an expiration date. He leaves for the Navy in 3 months. What.THE.hell. This fun fact doesn't only make dating him feel like I'm on the struggle bus of emotion, but it's a serious question of what happens when he leaves. Are we friends with benefits? In a relationship? Should I spend more time with him? Or less since I don't want to get attached? Do we attempt long distance? Do we never talk again once he leaves? Literally I could type 20 more questions of what has been running through my mind for the last month. 

Why, God, why does this have to be so complicated? 

Well, I have no answers. So I guess I will just blog about it later. 

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